Zona centrala, metrou Timpuri Noi si Mihai Bravu, predare la cheie la numai 2 kilometri de Piata Unirii - Oferta limitata ! Mai avem o singura unitate disponibila
Orientare: Est-Sud-Vest
Acest apartament face parte din cel mai nou ansamblu rezidential marca Neofort, cu doar 11 apartamente, cu arhitectura tip boutique cochet si retras situat pe strada Branduselor nr.76, unde se imbina perfect amplasamentul semi-central , linistea si intimitatea cu proximitatea punctelor majore de interes, cum ar fi Timpuri Noi Square, Vitan Mall, Parcul Carol, Parcul Tineretului, Unirea Shopping Center.
Mai multe despre acest ansamblu nou, aici .

Apartamentul este situat la etajul 3 si este compartimentat in mod inteligent pentru optimizarea maxima a spatiului interior, oferind totodata si un ambient placut si confortabil asigurat de sistemul de incalzire in pardoseala, de ventilatia naturala si de suprafetele vitrate ample.
Toate apartamentele din acest complex rezidential sunt bransate in mod individual la toate utilitatile, apa, curent electric, gaze naturale, canalizare, cablu tv, internet si se predau cu toate utilitatile functionale.
Apartamentul se preda la cheie complet finisat, cu finisaje din gama medium-premium, cu toate utilitatile functionale si cu urmatoarele dotari: sistem incalzire in pardoseala, usa metalica antiefractie multipunct, centrala proprie in condensare IMMERGAS, tamplarie SALAMANDER alb, obiecte sanitare moderne, termosistem EPS 80 grosime 10 cm, trasee alimentare apa material PPR, instalatie electrica cu prize si intrerupatoare import, prize preinstalate cablu TV si Internet, contorizare individuala la toate utilitatile.

Recomandam achizitionarea atat clientilor care doresc sa locuiasca aici impreuna cu familia cat si clientilor care doresc sa faca o investitie buna pe termen lung, pentru zona respectiva inregistrandu-se o cerere constanta de inchiriere.
PRET: 203.700 euro + tva
Se accepta orice tip de credit.
Pentru clientii nostri care vor accesa un credit pentru viitoarea locuinta, compania Neofort Biz ofera in mod gratuit consultatie financiara de specialitate pe toata durata procesului de achizitionare a locuintei, prin broker bancar dedicat.
Pentru detalii si programare vizionare va invitam sa ne apelati la urmatoarele numere de telefon :
0759030367 - Ramona Flueraru - Reprezentant vanzari Neofort Biz
0759030366 - Igor Calutu - Reprezentant vanzari Neofort Biz
Pentru a consulta si alte oferte Neofort, click aici !
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Oferta este limitata si supusa unor termeni si conditii.
If you're an uber-exuberant (or very aggressive) Elden Ring player, you may have killed a few NPCs in the past but didn't realize that they were crucial to an adventure, or that they were holding onto an important item.But you might be lucky: A number of killed NPCs are not permanently dead and may even be permanently angry at you after a resurrected. To attempt to Elden Ring Runes wipe the slate clean, all you have to do is pay a visit at the Church of Vows and say "sorry, my bad" for killing the NPCs. It's a little more complicated than the previous. But , not much.
Go to the crumbled church located in Eastern Liurnia, just west of the Ainsel River Well (or slightly south of the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel). You'll be greeted by the giant tortoise Miriel that is identified by her cute pope hat. However, you don't really need to engage with her. What you really want is the statue of Lady Rennala in the back. Giving a drinkable called the "Celestial Dew" to the statue of the fairy goddess will result in revivals for many of the game's NPCs, and revived NPCs will also be able to forget any hostility they've shown towards you.
The issue is the fact that not every NPCs can be revived in this way. Since the game is so new that many new discoveries are being made. The knowledge is in a state of change, and it's unclear why certain NPCs can be revived and others can't. As long as the community doesn't compile more specific information and data, you'll have to hope for the best when it comes to the possibility of resurrecting someone. (That however, completing the offer does appear to erase all living NPCs with a dislike for you even if they're listed on the "resurrectible" list.)
In any case, the Celestial Dew you'll need to use for the ritual can be obtained through several methods. There's a shop selling it near the Ainsel River, or Pidia at the Caria Manor in northern Liurnia. You can also obtain the dew using the old-fashioned RPG way, which is to steal it from corpses. There's a good chance to find a few when you begin searching through specific corpses from The Uhl Palace Ruins Nokron, Night's Sacred Ground, Nokstella, and Raya Lucaria Academy. This is the most penalty you could get for taking on a human-like life you know? You monster.
Speaking of NPCs, they're a little easier to find these days as the most recent Elden Ring update also added helpful NPC images to map. If you're the mood to murder and looking for possible victims, take a gander at your map. (Again the truth is that you're an abomination.) There aren't all NPCs that are resorable be aware of. Make sure to think carefully before attempting to Elden Ring Items for sale kill one of them.